is offering a 5% initial deposit bonus is paying new customers a bonus equal to 5% of their initial deposit. The offer is only available through February 28, 2023. But, there’s still time to sign up and meet the requirements.


What’s even better is that the bonus terms state, “Credit will be applied at the beginning of the month after required trades are completed.” So, you should have your bonus payment in 14 days, if not sooner.


The offer is only available to new customers. If you have a demo account, you still qualify, as long as you don’t have an live account. The demo account portal has an option to create a live account. However, the offer terms state that you must sign up for a new account through the link provided on the actual offer page, which is located at


Be sure to read the terms carefully, especially the Qualifying Trade Requirements. If you have questions about the offer, you can reach a specialist via chat. When reaching out to them, it’s best to provide them with the URL of the promotional offer so that they provide you with accurate information.


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